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3 Overlooked Strengths of Structural Equation Modeling

with Jeff Meyer
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Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and path models make up two core building blocks of SEM. When you understand each one and how they can work together, you can analyze data in ways not possible using regression.

In this webinar, Jeff introduces each of these building blocks to help you understand how SEM is used.

Covered in this webinar:

  1. Reasons why CFA should only be done using SEM and not within the typical EFA/CFA model that all software packages offer
    • Goodness of fit statistics, modification indices, standardized residuals, correlation of error terms
    • Ability to compare measurement of a construct between groups such as 3rd graders and 6th graders, males and female
    • Ability to compare pre and post measurements in an intervention study such as treatment for depression
  2. Examples of structural models (path analysis) that can be run
    • Mediation
    • Moderation
    • Moderated mediation

Watch and see why the modeling possibilities are countless.

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